Recruitment and CSR: Attracting the employees of tomorrow

How can your CSR strategy help you attract young talent by providing you with other benefits?

Did you know that your CSR policy can have a considerable impact on your recruitment strategy?

In this article, discover all the positive impacts of a CSR campaign, particularly in recruiting young talent.

What is a CSR policy?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary contribution by companies to sustainable development.

The European Commission defines CSR as "the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns into their business activities and their relationships with stakeholders."

In other words, CSR allows a company to have a positive impact on society and the environment. The ISO 26000 standard defines the scope of CSR with 7 main topics: governance, human rights, working conditions, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development.

CSR Regulations

In the EU, CSR is regulated by various directives and initiatives. These include the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which requires large companies to disclose information on environmental, social, and employee matters, and the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will further expand the scope of sustainability reporting requirements.

Télé-travail et RSE

The Importance of a CSR Policy

CSR is an essential roadmap for all companies, from large groups to start-ups.

Indeed, considering its social and environmental impact allows for a fair managerial policy that is aligned with the challenges of society. It also allows companies to prepare for legislative changes and societal expectations.

In addition to preparing for the future and asking the right questions, a company's CSR strategy has many advantages.

Positive Impacts of CSR on Your Business

Implementing, committing to, and communicating your CSR strategy is a real competitive advantage. European consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability and ethical practices when choosing brands.

In fact, a 2021 study by the European Commission found that 93% of EU citizens believe that companies have a responsibility to act to combat climate change, and 85% want companies to incorporate environmental and social concerns into their business operations.

Furthermore, 77% of consumers are willing to pay more for products and services from companies committed to positive social and environmental impact. This demonstrates that a strong CSR policy not only strengthens your brand reputation but also directly influences consumer purchasing decisions.

Adopting a CSR policy is therefore a compelling commercial argument, certifying the company's commitment to sustainability and addressing the expectations of its customers. Moreover, a well-defined CSR strategy sets your company apart from competitors, highlighting your unique values and dedication to social and environmental responsibility.

Positive Impacts of CSR on Your Employees

In addition to your consumers or customers, the CSR policy is very important for your employees. Indeed, it allows you to meet the expectations of your employees who need meaning and alignment of their work with their values.

CSR is therefore a tool for your employer brand. It allows you to meet the expectations of your employees but also to unite them around causes that are dear to them.

A good CSR strategy also ensures the loyalty and fidelity of your employees, thanks to a committed management strategy and working conditions that meet their expectations.

Motivation et implication de ses salariés grâce à la RSE

Positive Impacts of CSR on Your Recruitment Strategy

While it is true that more and more employees are sensitive to the commitment of their company, this is particularly important for younger generations. Indeed, according to the Boston Consulting Group barometer, 3 out of 4 young talents believe that a company's CSR is a decisive criterion in choosing a position.

These young talents are the workers of tomorrow, essential to companies. Implementing a CSR strategy therefore ensures greater attractiveness and the recruitment of committed and motivated young talent.

Tracking Your CSR Goals

Implementing a CSR strategy is therefore essential for your company, your employees, and your customers. To ensure you are aligned with your goals, set up a monitoring policy!

Colibris supports companies in analyzing and managing their CSR strategy thanks to our platform, which gathers data from all your sectors to offer you a simple and clear visualization of your progress.

Request a demo now!