What indicators to measure the effectiveness of your CSR?

Measure the impact of your CSR strategies.

If you have implemented a CSR approach within your company, then it's time to measure its impacts!

Discover the key indicators to track to measure the effectiveness of your CSR and adapt your strategies.

Why is it important to measure your CSR strategies?

As with all your company's strategies, it's important to know if the human and financial investments you've made are paying off.

Measuring your CSR initiatives also ensures that you are addressing the most important and impactful issues for your organization.

Finally, tracking the effectiveness of your CSR is the best way to ensure change within your organization, but also to engage your employees. Indeed, by focusing on topics that affect them, you will have an easier time integrating them into the implementation of these actions.

Homme prenant des notes

Fighting against social greenwashing

Measuring the impacts and effectiveness of your CSR strategy is a way to fight against greenwashing, this communication method that aims to make people think that a company is committed to ecological and social changes.

Although this term is initially used for practices aimed at making people think that a product is ecological, we notice the development of this kind of practice declined in the internal (and external) communication of organizations.

Indeed, companies have understood that CSR commitment is an important attractiveness argument for new generations and the workers of tomorrow. Also, they will communicate on their CSR approaches, without really having them, nor ensuring their operation.

By measuring the impacts of your CSR strategy, you demonstrate your real interest in this subject, and your investment for its success.

What key indicators to track for your CSR

It is not easy to know what to measure or how when implementing a CSR strategy in your organization. Here are some key indicators that you can easily track.

Measuring the ecological impact

In the sustainable development tab of your CSR strategy, you can track the different indicators allowing you to calculate your ecological impact:

  • Carbon footprint: it includes the volume of greenhouse gases emitted over a given period.
  • Waste reduction: representing the weight of your recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
  • Energy consumption: thanks to your electricity supplier, you can measure the savings in your energy consumption.
  • Recovery: through the refurbishment or repair of your defective equipment or the resale of unused equipment.
  • Lifespan: of your devices, and therefore the profitability of your equipment in the long term.
  • Labels: analyze the number of new labels obtained or renewed

Collègues travaillant dans un bureau

Measuring the social impact

In the social tab of your CSR strategy, you will be able to track different indicators allowing you to analyze the satisfaction of your employees:

  • Parity: by calculating the percentage of women and men in similar positions as well as the difference (or not) in remuneration.
  • Diversity: by analyzing the recruitments or promotions of the year and the diversity of the profiles selected.
  • Well-being at work: through a quantitative survey conducted with your employees.
  • Professional development: through the analysis of annual interviews and the percentage of training courses completed in the past year.
  • Improvement of the work environment: with the distribution of telework / face-to-face and the investments made to improve the workplace (equipment, plants, relaxation area...)

Measuring the economic impact of your CSR strategy

Your CSR strategy allows you to be an actor of change, to accelerate the ecological transition of your company and to ensure the well-being of your employees, but it can also allow you to save money:

  • The productivity of your employees: analyzed thanks to the feedback of your managers following the implementation of actions aimed at ensuring the well-being of workers
  • Savings on energy and water: analyzed thanks to your bills
  • Sales related to the upgrading of your equipment
  • The qualification of your employees thanks to the implementation of training: analyzed thanks to the feedback of managers and employees.

Collègues jouant au babyfoot

What are the tools to easily measure your CSR?

Did you know that there is a way to measure the impacts of your CSR strategies, simply? Colibris allows you to analyze all the data relating to your CSR initiatives and to give you clear information to understand their effectiveness, the points to improve and the objectives to adapt.

The icing on the cake, Colibris analyzes all sectors of your company: from the cloud to the car fleet through your telecom contracts!

An effective way to accelerate change while saving money.

Contact one of our experts now!